Add new theme

Important information:

  • Is your theme a conversion of a "free theme"? We don't want it listed.
  • Does the license of the free theme allow it? If not we don't want the theme.
  • If you "borrowed" (parts of) your design/layout from other themes and made a direct copy, we can not add it. It needs to be your work.
  • You need to credit any sources in the description of the theme. It is about being fair.
  • You need to be the theme author.
  • If you want to add your own custom images just send them by email, the size needs to be 1440x900px and in PNG format.
  • Themes that do not have a working link will be removed. If you update the link please send an email.

Other information:

  • We will pull your information from twitter and your twitter avatar.
  • You will automatically also be signed up to our email list for team authors.
  • We will ask about your sales from time to time.
  • We can reject your theme if it´s not inline with good web design standards.
  • You need a contact page where your clients can get in touch with you.
  • You will get a exclusive onepager page, that have only your themes.
  • Also we do not handle your finances, you will need an account with Gumroad or Sellfy, or any similar service to be able to sell your themes.
  • For free themes a link to the Github is good enough.

By continuing, I acknowledge that my theme is my original work, and if not, I will be kicked out of, and no refund will be issued.


Feel free to get in touch with me at