Markdown and Kirby Text


If your image is uploaded in the page folder you can wright the code this way.
(image: your_image.jpg)

For push the image to left, add a class left. (Depending on website type).
(image: your_image.jpg class: left)

For push the image to right, add a class right. (Depending on website type).
(image: your_image.jpg class: right)

If you have a image inside the content folder.
(image: content/your_image.jpg)

And here for different placement.
(image: )

Image with a link, or a clickable image.
(image: your_image.jpg link: )

Here combining more then one feature.
(image: your_image.jpg link: class: right )


Blockquote it´s very easy.
> And your text that will be the blockquote

And your text that will be the blockquote

For a link anywhere in the text just wright this.
(link: text: Kirby Themes )
That makes: Kirby Themes

This link pop up in new window.
(link: text: Kirby Themes popup: yes )
That makes: Kirby Themes

Video and multi media

It is very easy to add video from both YouTube and Vimeo videos.

(youtube: )

(vimeo: )


For a horisontal rule separator just add.


Make a list very very easy in markdown.

* List item 1
* List item 2
* List item 3

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Text formating

Make a heading 1 by doing the following.
#Demo headline 1

Demo headline 1

Make a heading 2 by doing the following.
##Demo headline 2

Demo headline 2

Make a heading 3 by doing the following.
###Demo headline 3

Demo headline 3

Make a heading 4 by doing the following.
####Demo headline 4

Demo headline 4

Make a heading 5 by doing the following.
#####Demo headline 5

Demo headline 5

Make a heading 6 by doing the following.
######Demo headline 6

Demo headline 6

Normal text formating

To make bold text.
**Your bold text**
This will look: Your bold text

To make italic text.
*Your italic text*
_Your alternative italic text_

And that looks like this: Your italic text or Your alternative italic text

Normal text with a little lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sapien velit, rutrum sed sagittis in, venenatis ut lectus. Quisque consequat eleifend arcu nec ultrices. Cras iaculis bibendum odio, non iaculis nulla blandit vitae. Maecenas elit urna, consectetur a tempus quis, suscipit vitae urna. Integer tempus blandit sagittis. Ut ornare mi sed ipsum rutrum mollis.
Nunc bibendum congue orci, sit amet convallis eros lobortis vitae. Nam risus nunc, sodales in dapibus sit amet, cursus sed purus. Vivamus fermentum varius velit quis congue. Donec urna arcu, tempor in congue suscipit, suscipit eget augue. Integer molestie dapibus tempus.